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Should Bertuzzi Have Been Reinstated?
something you all forget is that there is far more to this that what you haters are all bitching about.
yes bert hit moore from behind
there is A HELL OF A LOT MORE to what happened than just that.
bert did not drive him into the ice like the media and ignorant narrow minded quasi-fans seem to think or want you to believe. watch the reply again and you will see bert step on his stick, foot slides out and back, bert loses balance and falls forward. like every other human on this planet, when you fall forward you put your arms out to brace yourself, moore just happened to be there and took the force of the fall and then the force of the 3 Avs players jumping on bertuzzi afterwards.

simple facts:

if Moore had of gotten a suspension or even a major penalty for the very dirty hit on Naslund, which took naslund out for 3 games, this wouldn't have happened.

if Granato handn't of placed moore in the position where revenge could be repaid for said hit on Naslund, none of this would have happened.

if the ref had of given bert a minor penalty for following Moore around the ice for the ENTIRE shift before the punch, trying to get moore to fight him, none of this wouldn't have happened.

If Moore wasn't such a little bitch and hadn't have blown off bert just before the punch and taken the fight head on, none of this would have happened.

am i saying what bert did was right? no, he f**ked up something bad on this one.

is moore still hurt? to be honest, i doubt he is. he was walking within a few weeks after the punch... not something common with serious spinal injuries! :rolleyes:
is moore trying to milk the situation? i think he is. like everyone in America, the ability to bullshit your way into a civil suit that could payout large sums of money, everyone hams it up! I believe moore is no better than the people who get into minor accidents and claim major injuries.

the ONLY injury Moore recieved from the punch i would be worried about would be the concussion(sp) which can never be full gauged which also means never be proven to be faking... WHAT LUCK!?

bert missed 20 games, plus the playoffs, plus playing in europe or where-ever during the lockout plus on team Canada for the world cup.
the Canucks with bert vs without bert are 2 different teams. Canucks with bert would have dominated the flames and made the 2nd round... no questions there, the flames did not have enough defence size/skill to handle someone like bert and he would have walked right over kipper. this is not a knock on the flames... just a fact, bert basicly missed what could have been a cup run or upwards of 28 games if they all go the distance.

the McSorely attack was far worse than what bert did!
he used his stick, it was from behind and directly to the head, he just got lucky with the outcome of brashear hitting the ice where bert did not! worst of all it was completely out of the blue, there was no motivation for it, it was a senseless act.

don't hate on bert cause the leafs suck! ;)

Bert should be playing
Moore is a money-grubbing pussy
this whole thing is played out anyways!

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Should Bertuzzi Have Been Reinstated? - ZX3TUNING - 08-10-2005, 03:13 PM

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