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C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else.
Whooooooooo tha fu.CK cares

Post your question and take off, sometimes it pisses me off when I post a question and the topic gets whored. Its like spam in your email folder you know where its comming from so you just skip it. I do it when I see peoples names that can give me useful answers then I read them and the name I know that only whore all the time or I know will give me useless answers I pass by there response.

You gotta understand allot of these people have jack s**t to do at work and there companies put porn filters on so its only natural for them to keep amused to post stupid posts OR see how you react to there insults OR even to see who else will post one.

Personally I hate the off topic forum cause the off topics are s**t. Its either a repost or its someone starting a whore thread and 4 people only join in to whore back...whatever. I see it from a mile so I don't even bother, maybe thats why I don't know what ticked you off. If you don't want to waste your time or your not thick skinned stay out of the off topic s**t just look at the people that post in the off topic thread and the focus talk thread, its a real big difference in names.

C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else.
Saw your name remembered the bullshit from before so I decided to comment out of the 8 pages I read only 11 useful comments worth reading.

Should Bertuzzi Have Been Reinstated?
responded to this yesterday because I have some thoughts on this and clicked again today to see if there were any responses.

Who Think Whoring Is Ruining This Site
Grammer mistake.......voted for yes

My B-day
Lets rejoice heres a cookie............. who cares

Alright Guys.... Let's Get Em'!
I clicked on it just to be curious, but read the first post by Anthony and clicked back

So Freakin Bored
Read this kinda topic 200000 times before, if your bored get some sun, talk on the phone, fly a kite or quit your job.

Computer Question
Need some GENIUS for this one.....

I may be some help since Im in the field

Future Titan Owner
FJ BS at it's finest

Another look what I did on FJ interest to me

How Many Members Will Bunny And I Scare Away
Stupid .......ignored

Gas Taxes
Interests to me

Poll: How Long Before Nos' Return?
Dan Im sorry but not one of your finest posts, ignored it

This Is Funny.
ignored.............Dave Chapplle is funny

Dont Get Caught Street Racing In L. A.
Read on it before but thought it was new ........I was wrong clicked back

Disregard, Delete This Thread.
unless it runs out of control and whored

Read it last night

Thats how I do it every time I visit off topic
I drive a 2010 Golf that growls at people when it goes over 3000rpm.

Messages In This Thread
C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else. - 01-yellow-ZX3 - 08-11-2005, 03:14 AM
C-ya. Keep The Arrogance For Someone Else. - D-Dub - 08-11-2005, 09:04 AM

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