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Uh oh.. do I smell a RULES AND REGULATIONS page??

Well would could probably do with some simple rules.. like keep the porn and illegal chatter in the restricted area.. that would probably cut out 99% of the problems right there.
No I want that avatar back nooooooooooooooooo!!!

Fuk you guys are pussies already turning into the jet :shock:
True enough. This is not FocalJet.

When choosing your avatar please use your discretion. If its going to have a hot chick in it thats OK as long as its tasteful. Your avatar will stay unless its like super gross or something LOL but the main reason it will go is if somebody complains about it. My last av , I considered that tasteful but others might not agree. Then I will have to change it.
Hey keep it down Paparoach, you could be the first ban :) just kidding, eh

I dont see any big problems, but I can see people's points when they're surfing from work and there's tits and ass showing.. We dont want anyone getting in s**t for something like that, eh.

I think we should all be able to keep it to a generally acceptable level of offensiveness.
I won't bother :lol:
Aw c'mon guys...

This was not my intentions.
I agree, that my avatar nipple was a little offensive and I agree with the Brat for pulling it...

But to come out a week later with a girl stripping down and showing her tits and ass is acceptable? I just thought it was a little bit weird.

I got a comment from a friend that looked over my shoulder the other day. If this were the boss or the president.... I'm afraid the outcome would have been quite different.

I must agree that I would definately kick her out of bed

To do her on the floor. :wink:
No hard feelings man :thumbup:
testing avatar
the link works im sure

here is the image [Image: jp69.jpg]

and its les then 30kb and its 85x85.... what the heck?
No workies. Email me the picture I will hook ya up.
thanx man, i would also like an image for my sig...but that aint working either.. =(

im no n00b either.. i do forums like whao, and for some reason they arent working here...

thanx for your fast replay man... if you want the images they are here



**EDIT** the links are not working off the board, but if you cuat and paste them to your addy bar, they work fine...
Those are dead links
they work for me if i cut and paste them to the browser..its very odd, as that is my site and seems to work fine. hrm.
i dunnop, maybe there are some server issues at my host, who knows.
I think your host has soe thing set up for leeching. If you want just email me the pictures.

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