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We are looking to buy a 1998 - 2000 Expedition with 5.4L engine and 8 passenger seating. If anyone knows of one in Central Ontario, please let me know.

Thanks, Peter
We drive Foci, mate... small, cheap, FUEL EFFECIENT vehicles... wrong place to look for one of those behemoths
I know :D ... but sometimes if you have one Ford then you have others also. We have the Focus, a Mustang and a F150 so what's one more? We need this for towing and passenger space - the Focus is for racking up the miles.
i got a friend who wants to sell his, i'll give you more details tomorrow
I have one on my lot for sale. If you are interested in buying from a dealer. Call me toll free at 800 268 0334


my buddy's expedition is a '97 eddie bauer, but does not have the 3rd row seating. he said it is easy to put in, i don't know if you're still interested, but let me know and i'll give you the contact info.