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A Powerful Image. - ANTHONYD - 02-10-2007

[Image: PO-1_520x465x90.jpg]

This was a portrait a photographer in the U.S. did.

Kinda makes a good point doesn't it?

A Powerful Image. - SliverSteeda - 02-10-2007

if the point is he's staring at her boobs....

A Powerful Image. - focusracer - 02-10-2007

I wonder if this is an actual wedding portrait or if it's just a photo shoot. If it is a wedding portrait, wonder how the marriage is... she doesn't look overly happy.

BTW ^^^ Jesus man WTF

A Powerful Image. - ANTHONYD - 02-10-2007

SliverSteeda,Feb 9 2007, 02:22 PM Wrote:if the point is he's staring at her boobs....


Show a little compassion man. :(

How about I blow off your face and see how well you take a picture.

A Powerful Image. - mo_focus - 02-10-2007

I think he is just too embarresed to even look at a camrea. :(

A Powerful Image. - habmann - 02-10-2007

That really does bring home the point.

And Silversteeda, whats your deal?

A Powerful Image. - NikiterZTS - 02-10-2007

really, really sad.
at least he made it home
any photo's of what he looked like before?

A Powerful Image. - OAC_Sparky - 02-10-2007

ANTHONYD,Feb 9 2007, 02:09 PM Wrote:
SliverSteeda,Feb 9 2007, 02:22 PM Wrote:if the point is he's staring at her boobs....


Show a little compassion man. :(

How about I blow off your face and see how well you take a picture.
I am not compassionless, but a few points can be made by looking at the picture, depending on your political slant, opinion about war. It may be helpful to state what your particular point is and discuss it.

Is it:

1 ) The futility of war, this war, the Iraq war?
2 ) The war in Iraq is necessary to maintain our freedoms, including the right to marry?
3 ) Bush did this?
4 ) Osama did this?
5 ) Saddam did this?
6 ) Friendly fire did this?
7 ) This is the sacrifice that our soldiers make?
8 ) Was a lot of trouble to get a free education on the GI Bill?
9 ) He IS checking out her chest?
10 ) She doesn't look happy? Run!!
11 ) This is a Photoshop sought to inspire sympathy for the cause of
(i) the American military
(ii) the Iraqi military

There are 100 different ways to look at the picture, that's only eleven and a half.
What do YOU see in the picture? That is making the point for discussion.

A Powerful Image. - smith21 - 02-10-2007

OAC_Sparky,Feb 9 2007, 06:22 PM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Feb 9 2007, 02:09 PM Wrote:
SliverSteeda,Feb 9 2007, 02:22 PM Wrote:if the point is he's staring at her boobs....


Show a little compassion man. :(

How about I blow off your face and see how well you take a picture.
I am not compassionless, but a few points can be made by looking at the picture, depending on your political slant, opinion about war. It may be helpful to state what your particular point is and discuss it.

Is it:

1 ) The futility of war, this war, the Iraq war?
2 ) The war in Iraq is necessary to maintain our freedoms, including the right to marry?
3 ) Bush did this?
4 ) Osama did this?
5 ) Saddam did this?
6 ) Friendly fire did this?
7 ) This is the sacrifice that our soldiers make?
8 ) Was a lot of trouble to get a free education on the GI Bill?
9 ) He IS checking out her chest?
10 ) She doesn't look happy? Run!!
11 ) This is a Photoshop sought to inspire sympathy for the cause of
(i) the American military
(ii) the Iraqi military

There are 100 different ways to look at the picture, that's only eleven and a half.
What do YOU see in the picture? That is making the point for discussion.

another point could be that they had a very happy relationship before he left, and now that he is back and in his current situation due to his country, his wife is no longer pleased at their relationship, possibly due to his looks now.

A Powerful Image. - D-Dub - 02-10-2007

I get 2 points from this..........

1. Love is blind.

2. Is it worth the suffering of fellow Americans to fight this war

So Anthony, what is your point?

A Powerful Image. - CanadaSVT - 02-10-2007

I know the U.S. military basically gives medals for learning how to pee in a toilet on a ship during 30m swells and also for learning how to pick your nose in said storm without ripping your nostril open, or for learning how to fart in code, but for that guy to have all those medals and stripes I'd have to say he is supposed to represent the father of a bride.
My brother is a lieutenant-commander and he is pretty well paid, and he knows what he's being paid for, as my father did in WWll and my Grandpop in WWl.

A Powerful Image. - torradan - 02-10-2007

Too young to be her father. He's around 26 years old. The hash mark gives it away.

Personally, I'm going with:
1) love is blind.
2) maybe he is ashamed of his look (maybe his right side is worse and the photographer wasn't able to pose them together better), and is doing his best to have a wedding photo.
4) it is a photoshop to stir up the s***pot.
5) that kid is - roughly - 8 years younger than me, and has seen things that I couldn't come up with in my worst nightmares.

A Powerful Image. - ZTWsquared - 02-10-2007

For me it means that the stat of 3,000 + dead doesn't even begin to tell the tale of the human and personal cost of this war (and any war, for that matter) ... although the man in the photo would undoubtedly disagree with me, it could be that those who died might be better off for it considering the excruciating ordeal many of the survivors must endure for the rest of their lives.

I hope for his sake that he's still in the reconconstructive phase of his recovery and that he can still be made more whole.

A Powerful Image. - focusracer - 02-10-2007

A family friend from the U.S. was in Iraq, he lost a leg and suffered burns to 70% of his body, thankfully for him not to his face, but he still has the mentality that he'd be better off dead. It's sad to hear him say that. He has a very hard time seeing anything but the negative side of things. Thanks George Dubya.

A Powerful Image. - Flofocus - 02-10-2007

focusracer,Feb 9 2007, 08:19 PM Wrote:A family friend from the U.S. was in Iraq, he lost a leg and suffered burns to 70% of his body, thankfully for him not to his face, but he still has the mentality that he'd be better off dead. It's sad to hear him say that. He has a very hard time seeing anything but the negative side of things. Thanks George Dubya.

Can you blame him? It is hard to hear somebody say that, but it takes a really strong personality, and tenacity to get through life after something like that. And have George Dubya to thank for his injuries. :(

A Powerful Image. - SliverSteeda - 02-10-2007

focusracer,Feb 9 2007, 03:38 PM Wrote:I wonder if this is an actual wedding portrait or if it's just a photo shoot. If it is a wedding portrait, wonder how the marriage is... she doesn't look overly happy.

BTW ^^^ Jesus man WTF

aH, for all you judgemental high and mighty Kings of honur...

12 years ago, My friend in high School didn't have to go to war to get that face. he tried to take his own life with a shootgun and took 90% of his facial tissue off! leaving him looking like exactly like the guy in the picture.

So all you hypocrytical people saying "whats Wrong with ME!"

Wtf is wrong with you... the thing he hated the most AFTER the 3 month INDUCED COMA and 12 surgeries , was the was people judged him and always seen a MONSTER, freak, handicap or some sort of side show instead of a Regular person....

So before you crap on me For Making my comment as if it was a REGULAR person in the picture...Remember it is a regular person in the picture....

BTW 5 years ago, My friend hung himself in his parents house for his mother and baby sister to find him, with a note saying he couldn't handle the looks and judging faces of all the people who couldn't quite get that he was still a regular person . so i find the picture patronizing in the first place.

In case your wondering whats wrong with me.

A Powerful Image. - zx5power - 02-10-2007

If you dont mind what was this guys name? I heard about this same story before.

A Powerful Image. - CanadaSVT - 02-10-2007

torradan,Feb 9 2007, 06:52 PM Wrote:Too young to be her father.  He's around 26 years old.  The hash mark gives it away.
How quickly can a Marine become a Sergeant?

A Powerful Image. - NikiterZTS - 02-10-2007

i don't feel sorry for people who try/took their own life.....i don't feel sorry for your buddy, he chose his own path

A Powerful Image. - NOS2Go4Me - 02-10-2007

I feel for the guy, because he'll forever wear the mark of being too loyal and fighting a war that never should have been fought. I only hope the military is taking care of ALL of his expenses for the rest of his life.

I feel for both of them, because his wife was robbed of the visual (and we're a VERY visually-oriented species) joy of her husband when he returned from Iraq.