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Odd Problems With The Car...
I guess to start I'm driving a 2002 ZX3. In the winter time it sounded like my car had a wierd grindy noise in the engine bay, but I didn't have enough money to go for a checkup. The noise is gone now, so its either a good thing, or a really really bad thing. Either way the engine light is on. So I need to get it checked out just in case.

Today on the way to work I had an odd occurance that has never happend before to my car. As I'm driving through a school zone in 3rd so I'm going fairly slow, it seemed as if my car lost gear, slowed down, and then engaged again. It felt very similar to a bad gear shift and a little jerk of the car in speed (slowdown to speedup). This happened twice on the way to work while I was in third gear. Does anyone know what this could be? I've never heard of this, nor has it happend berfore.

The only thing I can think of is that we had a light snow last night (Regina, SK) and the roads were a bit slick. It could have caught a little ice patch and thats what made the car jerk when it hit clear pavement again. However that can't be right because it was a lowering of power, not a speed up jerk due to ice.... I'm confused...

Regardless I need to have it checked out, but I cannot afford it until next month :(
"No, my sons name is also Bort!"

Messages In This Thread
Odd Problems With The Car... - Bort - 04-11-2007, 03:14 AM
Odd Problems With The Car... - Bort - 04-11-2007, 03:41 AM
Odd Problems With The Car... - Flofocus - 04-11-2007, 03:58 AM

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