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You Know What Just Flat-out Disgusts Me
I don't really get what the big deal is, since the tree and Santa Claus aren't religious symbols anyway. I could see making a big thing about nativity scenes, but why would we want to ban a fat guy who gives us presents?
Because that fat guy who gives out presents is a religious symbol to the Pagans. He was called the holly king in those days. They are religious symbols, just not to Christianity. But you are right, its not a big deal, but for some reason, someone out there has to find something to bitch about because it is not what they believe. Hell, if they say we cant have our tree cus we wont let them celebrate... I want my celebrations rights brought back. Find a virgin on Halloween and sacrifice her to the gods..... :D i doubt that will fly
vy_MR2,Dec 14 2006, 07:00 PM Wrote:For one, they took it down for the wrong reasons.
A tree has never been a symbol of true Christianity, just something adopted fairly recently. 7000 years before Christianity, the Norse and Pagans celebrated Yul, the winter solstice, by making a yule log and putting a tree in their homes. This began on the 21st, shortest day of the year, and on the 25th, pulled the tree down and burned it. The reason for it was to ask for the Sun to come and provide heat to the Earth for the new year, hense burn the tree.
So to me.... if you want to pull a tree down, make it clear why, don't use a common misconception.

And here I always thought it was Adolf Hitler's decendents that started the whole Christmas tree thing in the 8th century. Damn public education!

I don't really give a shat about religion but there is some good reasons to separate church and state.
Old enough to know me limit, yet young enough to exceed it.
Regardless, here in Canada and North America in general... Christmas trees are put up around Christmas, and it's almost a universal given to see them everywhere. If it's against anyone else' religion, they should move back home I think. No one is going into their homes and saying damn, take down that *insert foreign religious item here* so why should it be limited to "Happy Holidays" and lacking Xmas trees here?!
'14 Escape 2.0t
2012 5dr Ti : Traded

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